16 KPIs for ERP Success

On-demand Webinar: Making ERP Operational

The Key Elements of Every Successful ERP Project

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems do not fail because of problems with the application software, they fail because of the way humans implement the systems. \

Without properly implementing the 5 key elements of ERP, your software will not return the value you expected. These elements are:

  1. Data Management
  2. Standardized and Shared Data
  3. Operational Philosophy
  4. Business Strategy
  5. 16 KPIs of ERP

Recognizing and identifying the missing elements in your internal supply chain processes and monitoring the right KPIs for ERP can help to ensure success.

Too often, the 5th and final element can be easily overlooked. But if you knew you could increase the return you're getting on your ERP investment by measuring these 16 KPIs, you'd probably make sure you have the right tools to make it happen.  

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn how these 16 Key Performance Indicators will make your system more operational. We’ll also take time to review the first four elements so you understand how everything fits together.

By watching this 1 hour webinar, you'll learn the answers to the following fundamental questions and more:

  • Are your suppliers meeting their delivery promises?
  • Is the planning system treating suppliers fairly?
  • Are costs being maintained?
  • What is your current fill rate on outgoing orders?

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